The term for the metallic taste that some dental patients experience is often referred to as parageusia or dysgeusia. This isn’t a chronic condition, and it can derive from more than one cause, most often medication. According to the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, parageusia can also come from psychological issues, autoimmune diseases, and neurological disorders.
Here are some of the symptoms, reasons, and how to stop them. Have a look below:
Symptom 1
Your mouth tastes like old coins. You've been depressed recently and are taking an antidepressant, which has given you a dry mouth.
It could be an antidepressant. A metallic taste in the mouth, dysgeusia, can be a side effect of antidepressants. The taste happens often because the drug shuts down your taste buds, affecting your sense of taste.
Other drugs that cause a metallic taste are antibiotics, gout medicines, blood pressure medicines, and drugs to treat glaucoma.
Stop it by speaking to your doctor about changing your medication.
Symptom 2
You have a metallic taste in your mouth and you pop multivitamins every day because your diet isn't very healthy. You eat a lot of junk food.
It could be the multivitamins, some of which contain metals like copper, chromium and zinc, that come out in the saliva and can cause a metallic taste in your mouth.
Stop it by Ditch the multivitamins and concentrate on eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, and fibre.
Symptom 3
You've just had a positive pregnancy test and you can't get rid of an unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, no matter what you eat or drink.
It could be pregnancy hormones. Dysgeusia is especially common in early pregnancy and accounts for expectant mothers craving for pickled, vinegary food.
Stop it by doing nothing. Dysgeusia is usually worst in the first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy). As your pregnancy progresses and your hormones settle down, the metallic taste should fade.
What can you do about your teeth grinding?
Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or find yourself clenching your teeth during the day?
If so, here are a few tips you could try:
Visit your dentist and discuss wearing a nightguard to prevent you from grinding your teeth at night.
Do daily facial exercises that help relax your facial muscles.
If you feel stressed, try some relaxation exercises such as yoga or pilates, which will help relax your whole body.
Avoid eating hard foods as they unduly stress your jaws.
Consult your doctor to see if they can prescribe muscle relaxants to relax the masseter muscles.